under construction


Trade/Commission status: Open
NO Reposting - Reposting, copy distribution prohibited
Icon use OK with credit

commission information

Price ChartPortraitsWaist UpFull Body
B&W Traditional Ink35 USD50 USD85 USD
B&W Digital Lineart50 USD85 USD125 USD
Digital Cel Shading85 USD125 USD165 USD
Digital Paint/Full Color125 USD165 USD200 USD
Digital Lineless Color145 USD185 USD220 USD
Simple BG (colors, patterns, soft lighting)+15+30+50
Complex BG (landscapes/environments, graphic designs)+25+50+75
**+1 Chara/Subject: **45% USD of total.Complexity Fee: +20Coloring Examples (soon)Q's to: calamaricrisp @gmail.com

Tips/Ko-Fi's always appreciated!


Sid is a professional self-taught artist and creative from SoCal, working personably with clients from London to Australia since 2014 their work has helped authentically translate visions into original art for personal, web layout, character design, product etc. purposes. Collaborative based projects, zinefest's and booth events have brought other crafts to their repertoire.
NYC based as of 2018 - they've worked as a professional inking, illustration and stop motion filmmaking instructor and freelance commercial, print, parts/figure model. Freelance art commissions, set design for theatrical performances, poster design, and marketing boards/graphics are all part of their other trades. DM to see portfolio/trade work. Shop coming soon!